Tuemme Geshe Pema Dorjeen Bodong-tradition elvytystyötä Nepalissa ja Intiassa. Jos olet kiinnostunut tukemaan Bodong-tradition luostaria Nepalissa tai Bodong-traditioon liittyvää tieteellistä tutkimusta, ota meihin yhteyttä. Tässä on viesti tiibetiläisiltä, joita toivomme autettavan:
"The idea of preserving Tibetan Language, Nalanda Buddhist tradition and related rich Tibetan culture are very important and since we Tibetans became refugee in India, the first step His Holiness The Great 14th Dalai Lama took, was to preserve unique Tibetan Buddhist Culture & Tibetan Language. To preserve and promote this is the key to benefit not only Tibetans but also many human societies. These days now this is becoming more & more important.
Actually whatever we are doing for our Monastery is to preserve & promote Nalanda Buddhist tradition. Tibetan Language is only Language in this world which holds all these important teachings. Related with this we have some projects as follow: We have small project which is to teach Tibetan Language to the lay man & woman in who are devoted Buddhist but can not read or write Tibetan. They even can not read Buddhist scriptures in Tibetan. For that we wanted arrange one or two Tibetan teachers who will teach them."